Roser Growth

Lückenanalyse für SaaS & LeadGen

What should be and what is: The Gap Analysis

Principle 3: Radical Transparency. We set goals, think in milestones, and strive to achieve them through targeted actions. The most important question: What actions result in the highest delta from current state to desired state?

Roser Growth section hero image that symbolizes the need to analyze and understand cuirrent growth blockers and to create a roadmap fot sustainable growth. Roser Growth is a Berlin-based growth consultancy

The pace of progress in (digital) marketing is breathtaking.

According to BCG, only 9% of all companies fully utilize the potential of their marketing efforts. Companies with "digital maturity" achieve an average of 18 percentage points more revenue growth and 29 percentage points cost savings. A systematic market gap analysis provides clarity and forms the roadmap for a successful collaboration.


Gap analysis for targeted growth.

Recognizing the gap between the current state and growth goals is crucial for sustainable success. A gap analysis provides the basis for targeted improvements in marketing and sales.

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Action steps and systematic planning.

Based on the gap analysis, we develop specific, measurable action steps. These aim to efficiently close the identified gaps and promote sustainable growth.

  • Development of targeted marketing campaigns for lead generation.
  • Optimization of the sales funnel for higher conversion rates.
  • Implementation of technology solutions for increased efficiency.
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Determination of the current state.

An honest assessment of the current state is fundamental for an effective gap analysis. It allows for the identification of areas in need of improvement and the setting of realistic goals.

  • Where do we stand in comparison to our growth goals?
  • Which internal processes need optimization?
  • How well do we understand the needs of our customers?
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RICE framework: Prioritization and strategy.

The RICE model (Reach, Impact, Confidence, Effort) enables efficient prioritization of marketing initiatives. It helps invest resources where the greatest impact on growth is expected.

  • Which initiatives have the highest growth potential?
  • How can we minimize uncertainties in our strategy?
  • Where is the cost-to-benefit ratio most favorable?

The sound of growth

We're grateful for the many companies we've worked with and the impact we've had:

We can only recommend the collaboration with Roser Growth. Simon's expertise and professionalism is a real asset to any brand. He has helped us a lot.
Maja Löwedey

Maja Löwedey

COO, Bracenet

Working with Simon was truly enjoyable. His easygoing manner combined with a professional approach made the collaboration extremely pleasant. We have gained a clear direction in marketing and will continue to benefit from it in the future. A clear recommendation.
Jana Haberkern

Jana Haberkern

Marketing Manager, PACTA.AI

Our collaboration with Roser Growth was very good. His expertise in Paid Social and SEA significantly increased our visibility and led us to excellent results in the GTM, while significantly improving the CPL. He demonstrated great expertise, was transparent in communication, and consistently delivered real added value for us.
Christoph Barth

Christoph Barth

Sales & Marketing Director, Aira

Who doesn't love good growth?

From early customer profiles to scaling beyond the plateau: we assist LeadGen and SaaS marketing teams towards excellence. Benefit from principles, processes, and growth strategies that already help successful companies today.

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